Edificio Plaza Guijarros
3 Nivel Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tel. No.: 221-4865
Web Address:
Contact Person: Marco Tulio Castro
Area/s of Practice: Administrative Law, Admiralty & Maritime, Banking & Finance,
Civil Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional & Political Law,
Computer & Information Technology, Corporations & Business
Organizations, Immigration & Naturalization, Insurance Law,
Intellectual Properties, International Law, Labor & Employment,
Litigation, and Probate, Trusts & Estates.
Brief Description: The Castro, Morales & Associates Lawyer's Office is constituted
under the concept of a modern law office. Its members have
great experience in the different law and financial disciplines.

Ghalia Building, Abdulhameed Shoman Street
Shmeisani, Amman, Jordan
Tel. No./Fax No.: 962-6-568-7580
Web Address:
Contact Person: M. Beiruti
Brief Description: The Firm provides legal services on Jordanian laws.
Extended Description: BEIRUTI LAW FIRM was established in H. K. of Jordan
since 1962. The Firm provides various services related to a
wide range of business and commercial law such as
registration & incorporation of companies, drafting license
franchising, technology transfer, joint venture & collaboration
agreement, intellectual property, industrial property laws,
foreign exchange regulation law, banking law, international
transactions as well as related disputes resolution and
arbitration, adverse litigation before the central government,
courts, tribunals, commission covering local, regional and
world wide associations.

14 Rue IBN Khaldoun
1004 El Emnzah
Tunis, Tunisia (North Africa)
Tel. No.: 216/1.234-102; 9.312404
Fax No.: 216/1.234102 - 884230
Contact Person: Fathi Belaiba
Area/s of Practice: Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Family & Personal Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Properties, Labor & Employment, Legal Ethics * Professional Responsibility, Mergers & Acquisitions, Probate, Trusts & Estates, Professional Marketplace, Real Estate, Taxation and Workers' Compensation.

2130 Palmira
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tel. No.: 504-236-5239
Contact Person: Cesar A. Gonzalez
Area/s of Practice: Corporations & Business Organizations
Brief Description: Corporate, Joint Ventures, IP Research & Protection,
Privatization, Energy & Telecommunications

Pilares 405, Mexico
D. F. 03100
Tel. No.: (5) 559-1720
Fax No.: (5) 559-1720
Contact Person: Guadalupe Barrena
Area/s of Practice: Intellectual Property
Brief Description: Interested on intellectual property and cultural identity

425 N. Court St., Alabama, U. S. A.
Tel. No.: (256) 764-4011
Fax No.: (256) 767-7484
Web Address:
Contact Person/s: John B. Baugh
Area/s of Practice: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Family & Personal Law,
General Practice, Insurance Law, Labor & Employment,
Litigation, Personal Injury & Torts, Product Liability &
Workers' Compensation.
Brief Description: Civil law practice in all state and federal courts.
Extended Description: John Baugh practices civil litigation in all counties of
Northern Alabama. He performs defense work for
corporations and insurance companies and handles
personal injury and workers compensation claims.
He is trained to serve as an arbitrator or mediator.

P. O. Box 9407, Puah Street
8/A Haifa, Israel
Tel. No.: (972) (4) 851-4416
Fax No.: (972) (4) 851-4394
Contact Person/s: Susan Freiman
Area/s of Practice: Commercial Law, Criminal Law & Litigation
Brief Description: Commercial litigation particularly protecting debtors (individual
and corporate) and assisting them in financial rehabilitation.
This includes pressing claims against banks. Criminal litigation:
As a former Assistant U. S. Attorney, Southern District of
New York, I am especially well-equipped to cooperate in
litigation related to U. S. federal litigation.

3435 Wilshire Blvd., 27th Floor
Los Angeles/Glendale, California, U. S. A.
Tel. No.: (213) 251-5477
Fax No.: (818) 539-2239
Web Address:
Contact Persons: Miguel Inumerable or Joe Inumerable
Area/s of Practice: Commercial Law, Family & Personal Law, Immigration &
Naturalization, International Law, Litigation, Personal Injury
& Torts, Real Estate.
Extended Description: We are a partnership of three brothers, along with other
associates and of counsel. We practice law in the Southern
California area but service clients in other jurisdictions as
well as in Manila. We are graduates of major US universities
and law schools and have a total work experience of over 26
years combined. Although our family migrated to the US
from the Philippines in the late 1960's, we are at home with
the Filipino experience and our office is bilingual. Our lawyers
travel frequently between the US and Manila and are able to
service both Philippine and US-based clientele. We are also
open to affiliations with Manila-based law firms and attorneys.

Lawyers, Trademark & Patent Agents
Head Office:
260 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel. No.: (84) (4) 8269223; 8226268
Fax No.: (84) (4) 8252282; 8226052
Web Address:
Contact Persons: Mr. Nguyen Tran Bat, Chairman
Mr. Pham Nghiem Xuan Bac, Vice Chairman
Mr. Nguyen Tien Lap, Managing Director
Branch Office:
15 Nguyen Thi Dieu Street
District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel. No.: (84) (8) 8299831; 8299823
Fax No.: (84) (8) 8231113; 8299822
Area/s of Practice: Legal Services: Foreign Investment, Joint Ventures, Company
Formation, Banking & International Financial Transactions,
Contract, Leasing, Construction, Distributorship, Agency &
Franchising, Property & Real Estate, Employment & Labour
Relation, Administrative Procedures, Insurance, Maritime &
Aviation, Private Client Works and others.
Intellectual Property: All aspects of Industrial Property including
registration and enforcement of IP and copyright, litigation,
licensing, franchising and technology transfer for patents,
trademarks, designs, copyright and technical know-how.
Spoken Languages: English, French, German and Russian
Brief Description: The Firm's history dates back to 1987 when Mr. Nguyen Tran
Bat, now Chairman and General Director of Investconsult
Group, initiated the establishment of the first intellectual
property agent in Vietnam call The Bureau of Promotion of
Intellectual Property under the State Committee of Science
and Technology. Two years later, from this Bureau, he
founded Investconsult, a professional firm specializing in
both foreign investment consulting and intellectual property
services. In step with the recent rapid development and
changes in the Vietnamese economy and society, Investconsult
has expanded its business towards specializing in professional
services and has become the leading local consulting group in
Vietnam. The Firm's staff is currently 120 of whom 46 are
lawyers and legal trainees.Extended Description: INVESTCONSULT LEGAL SERVICES, established in
1993 was one of the first Vietnamese law firms set up
and operating under the Law on Companies. Based
on existing reputation and business experiences of
Investconsult and staffed with a strong group of highly-
educated professionals who possess both local and
international experience, Investconsult Legal Services
has quickly become among the top rank of legal
professional firms in Vietnam. Especially, the firm has a
close association with many well-known international law
firms from U.K., USA, Australia, France, Hong Kong,
Singapore, etc. The Chairman and other Members of the
Firm are members of the Hanoi Law Society and many
other professional and business associations. The Firm
has been registered as a member of INTA since 1994.

Corrientes 316, Floor 3, Of. 354
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. No.: (54) (1) 328-8839
Fax No.: (54) (1) 328-2400
Contact Person/s: Dra. Silvia Mussuto
Area/s of Practice: Transportation
Brief Description: Over forty years experience in arbitration and litigation and
maritime law matters.

Fr. Nansen plass 5, Box 1348
Vika, N-0113 Oslo, Norway
Tel. No.: (47) 22405600
Fax No.: (47) 22405610
Web Address:
Contact Person/s: Hans Chr. Steenstrup
Area/s of Practice: Bankruptcy, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Computer &
Information Technology, Corporations & Business
Organizations, Entertainment & Sports, Family & Personal
Law, General Practice, Intellectual Properties, Labor &
Employment, Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Personal
Injury & Torts
Brief Description: A Norwegian medium-sized law firm.

2/19 Ganga, Swastik Park
V N Purav Marg
Chembur, Mumbai
Tel. No.: (91) 22 5220075
Fax No.: (91) 22 4113889
Web Address:
Contact Person: S S Iyer
Area/s of Practice: Commercial Law, General Practice, Intellectual Property &
Mergers and Acquisitions
Brief Description: A law firm having associates across the world and experienced
in worldwide registration of patents and trademarks. The Firm
has an established practice in IP law and has recently inducted
in its practice MR. SHYAM SUNDER IYER, Advocate and
Consultant on Intellectual Property who has an experience of
about 18 years in the legal field. Mr. Shyam Sunder Iyer has
been associated with India's leading firm of attorneys in the IP
field M/S Remfry & Sagar at their Mumbai office since the early
1980's. Mr. Iyer has not only the experience before the IP forum
in India but also is experienced in all aspects before the various
courts in India vis-a-vis IP litigation. With the induction of Mr. Iyer, the Firm expects to offer full-
fledged services in all fields relating to IP in India, the SAARC
countries, Asia & Africa generally to the complete satisfaction
of clients.
___________________________________________ Affiliated Lawyers and Law Firms:
Abels Decker Kuhfuss & Partner [Dormagen, Germany]
Tel. No.: (+49) (2133) 25020
Fax No.: (+49) (2133) 250250
Contact Person: Berthold Decker
Abels Decker Kuhfuss & Partner [Dusseldorf, Germany]
Tel. No.: (+49) (211) 47 83 8 0
Fax No.: (+49) (211) 47 83 8 111
Contact Persons: Dr. Peter Abels/Werner Kuhfuss
Advukaturburo Dr.iur. Thomas Nigg [Vaduz, Liechtenstein]
Tel. No.: (+4175) 237 65 30
Fax No.: (+4175) 237 65 31
Contact Person: Thomas Nigg
Alain Marchand [Paris, France]
Tel. No.: (+33) (1) 53 57 86 06
Fax No.: (+33) (1) 47 23 21 62
Contact Person: Alain Marchand
Anderssen & Co. [Brisbane, Australia]
Tel. No.: (+61) (7) 3252 7772
Fax No.: (+61) (7) 3252 3563
Contact Person: Birnie Stephenson
Arndt & Walten [Berlin, Germany]
Tel. No.: (+49) (30) 213 5074
Fax No.: (+49) (30) 218 8579
Contact Persons: Michael Arndt/Frank M. Walten
Members of the Firm:John D. Campbell, Q.C., J.P., Senior Partner
Dianna P. Kempe, Q.C., J.P., Managing Partner
Richard D. Spurling, M.P.
Kenneth E.T. Robinson
F. Chesley White
Michael J. Spurling
Peter Bubenzer
Monica J. Jones
The Hon. John Barritt, J.P., M.P.
Judith Collins
The Hon. C. Jerome Dill, J.P., M.P.
Warren Cabral
A. Shaun Morris
James M. Keyes
Michale L. Jones
John Riihiluoma
Michael Burns
Timothy Counsell
Tonesan Amissah-Furbert
James S. Jardine, C.A., FCIS
Geoffrey R. Bell, Q.C., F.C.I., Arb.
Nigel J. Howcroft
Jai B. Pachai
Brad Adderley
Cameron Adderley
Jackie Armstrong
Gigi Barit
Timothy Bridges
Ken Douglas
Timothy C. Faries
Hugh Gillespie
David Lines
Brian Patterson
Deborah Poole
Jill Virgil-Smith
Cindy Hollis
Kelvin Hastings-Smith
Kiernan J. Bell
Arabella Di lorio
Jennifer Fraser
Nita Grewal
Duncan Hall
Susan Poole
Giorgina Simpson
Scott Swainson
Alison Titmus
Karen A. Corless
Ruby Rawlins
Bernett Cox
Lucia Kempe
Cheryl Harney
Peggy Tucker
Audrey Mansell
Judy Taylor
Stacy Grant
Cilma Lamb
Shari Simons
Jill Logan
Tina Daniels
Carol Summers
Diana Martin
Barbara Hollis
Michael Wood
Richard Bennett
Eduardo Fox
Deborah Jackson
Chris Maiden
Roberta Montafia
Dawn Ray
Asianajotoimisto Hedman Advokatbyra AB [Helsinki, Finland]
Tel. No.: (+358) (9) 177 060
Fax No.: (+358) (9) 629 759
Contact Person: Harry Hedman
Avni Herezog Shualy & Gurevich [Haifa, Israel]
Tel. No.: (+972) (4) 8675488
Fax No.: (+972) (4) 8672106
Contact Persons: Avia Ben-Ari/Yehuda Shualy
Bertouille & Associ'es [Brussels, Belgium]
Tel. No.: (+32) (2) 647 97 00
Fax No.: (+32) (2) 647 98 99
Contact Persons: Stephane Bertouille/Catherine Sbille
Bertouille & Partners [Prague, Czech Republic]
Tel. No.: (+420) 60 23 02 778
Fax No.: (+420) 62 67 14 36 18
Contact Person: Ortwin Carron
Bisk & Lutz [Houston, Texas, U. S. A.]
Tel. No.: (+1) (713) 871 9990
Fax No.: (+1) (713) 871 0721
Contact Person: Reuven M. Bisk
Cabinet D'Avocats Yvette Hamilius [Luxembourg]
Tel. No.: (+352) 45 80 30
Fax No.: (+352) 45 80 90
Contact Person: Yvette Hamilius
Members of the Firm:Rees T. Bowen
Mark Alan Calhoun
Dennis D. Conder
David W. Elrod
Parker Nelson
Roy L. Stacy
Michael C. Wright
LeAnn Wainscott Cross
David G. Allen
William O. Angelley
Joseph G. Barkate
Scott S. Crocker
Sean P. Fitzgerald
Leane Capps Medford
Jonathan G. Polak
Elizabeth Reding Gambrell
Joel W. Reese
Shannon B. Schuster
Barbara L. Wohlrabe
Calzadilla Perez Burelli & Asociados [Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela]
Tel. Nos.: (+58) (81) 76 03 15/76 88 26/76 34 60
Fax No.: (+58) (81) 76 86 76
Contact Persons: Pablo Alvarez/Augusto Adolfo Calzadilla
Chen & Lin [Taipei, Taiwan]
Tel. No.: (+886) (2) 2715 0270
Fax No.: (+886) (2) 2514 7510
Contact Person: Che-Hung Chen
Carlos F. Concepcion
Francis X. Sexton, Jr.
Juan Vicente
Urdaneta Villamizar
Robert A. Mallow
Special Counsel
Paul J. McMahon
George T. Ramani
Warren Jay Stamm
Alicia M. Castilla
David A. Pearl
Marta M. Pérez-Pendás
Mary Beth Morrissey
Julie C. Ferguson
Members of the Firm:M.Prabhakaran
Sudhir Gopi
Roy Abraham
Gita Anirudhan
Azmi Saifi
Members of the Firm:Marve Ann M. Alaimo
Glenn J. Angiolillo
Sharon L. Aresco
Patricia G. Bade
Basil L. Bain
Foster Bam
Stephen H. Bard
Robert A. Beer
Catherine A. Birch
Paul L. Bourdeau
Jay E. Bovilsky
Matthew A. Bovino
Lisa M. Boyle
William H. Bright
Katherine P. Burgeson
John W. Cannavino
John F. Carberry
Patrick F. Caruso
Chris Cerrito
Deborah S. Chang
Holley L. Claiborn
Martin A. Clarke
Neil G. Cohen
Joshua Cohen
April F. Condon
Karen T. Coney
Jacquelyn Conlon
Karen P. Conway
Jeffrey A. Cooper
Joe B. Cox
Frank J. Coyle
Timothy W. Crowley
Lisa Dalfonso
Daniel L. Daniels
Tracy C. Daugherty
Lisa Davis
B. Cort Delany
Margaret A. DeLuca
Robert P. Dolian
Jodi P. Dottori
Alison K. Douglas
Philip M. Drake
Andrew J. Ehrgood
John P. Ekberg III
Marc R. Esterman
Lawrence A. Farese
Aaron A. Farmer
Michael G. Fass
Robert B. Fawber
Geoffrey F. Fay
Joseph Ferraro
Charles J. Filardi, Jr.
Jamie J. Fitzgerald
John A. Flaherty
Thomas J. Freed
John D. Freeman
John R. French
Steven I. Frenkel
Edward Gallant
Brad Gallant
Robert T. Gilhuly
Eric M. Grant
Lauren Greenspoon
Robert F. Grele
Michael J. Hinton
Paul G. Holland, Jr.
Paul G. Hughes
Howard M. Hujsa
Peter W. Hull
Sheila J. Kalkunte
Michael J. Kearney
Jeffrey P. Kelly
Wendi J. Kemp
David W. Kesner
Vincent M. Kiernan
Thad Kirkpatrick
Paul E. Knag
Paul J. Knierim
Jason H. Korn
Curt A. Kramer
Barry Kramer
Kenneth D. Krier
Stephanie E. Lane
E. Steven Lauer
Lawrence M. LeHan
David T. Leibell
Gina S. Linstone
James I. Lotstein
William R. Lynch
Michael G. Madden
Victoria M. Malia
John R. Mallin
Stephen Marcovich
Christopher H. Martin
Nancy P. Marx
Cassandra Burns McDonald
Richard P. McGrath
John P. McKinney
Sandra M. McLean
Jeffrey J. Miller
Sara D. Miller
Jonathan B. Mills
Farah Mollo
Steven J. Moore
Martha G. Munchhof
Kathleen A. Murrett
John R. Musicaro, Jr.
Basam E. Nabulsi
William H. Narwold
Walter J. Nester
Ralph A. Nichols
James R. Nici
Gregory B. Nokes
Kevin D. O'Leary
Margaret A. O'Neal
Moyahoena N. Ogilvie
Willard J. Overlock
R. Thomas Payne
Douglas M. Poulin
Kelley Geraghty Price
Charles D. Ray
Robert W. Reeves
Cathy S. Reiman
Richard R. Rendeiro
Gail D. Resnikoff
Edward F. Rodenbach
Timothy G. Ronan
Deborah L. Russell
Kristen Gaven Russell
Veronica R. Santarsiero
Joel H. Schechter
Marianna F. Schenk
Richard A. Siegal
Robert G. Simses
Thomas P. Skidd
Mark G. Sklarz
John F. Spindler
Douglas R. Steinmetz
Maria C. Swaby
Charles M. Tatelbaum
Melissa M. Taub
Heather V. Taylor
Conrad Teitell
Frederick A. Thomas
Howard Tuthill
Howard S. Tuthill III
Josh W. van Hulst
Eugenie B. Verrillo
Richard Voigt
Erik X. Wallace
Elia C. Walsh
Jane K. Warren
William C. Weitzel, Jr.
Eric Watt Wiechmann
Gayle B. Wilhelm
Holly J. Winger
Scott Wofsy
Sujata Yalamanchili
Blaine R. Young
Marc L. Zaken
Dr. Dessewffy Alice -(Bogsch & Bogsch Dessewffy Godolle Gabriel [Budapes, Hungary]
Tel. No.: (+36) (1) 266 2245/118 1111
Fax No.: (+36) (1) 118 7828
Contact Person: Dr. Alice Dessewffy
Fairplay International Trust N. V. [St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba]
Tel. Nos.: (+599) (5) 23487/25053
Fax No.: (+599) (5) 24150
Contact Person: Th. Max Pandt
Fairplay International Trust N. V. [Aruba, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba]
Tel. Nos.: (+2978) 23554/23545
Fax No.: (+2978) 35008
Contact Person: Th. Max Pandt
Fiocco Hopkins Nash [Perth, Australia]
Tel. No.: (+61) (8) 9325 7800
Fax No.: (+61) (8) 9221 1216
Contact Person: John Hopkins
Harley & Morris [Masem, Lesotho]
Tel. No.: (+266) 313840
Fax No.: (+266) 310076
Contact Person: Seymour Harley
Heck Gambini Traum & Fromm [Paris, France]
Tel. No.: (+33) (1) 42 66 44 11
Fax No.: (+33) (1) 42 66 18 17
Contact Persons: Axel Heck/Brigitte R. Gambini/Egbert Traum/Hartmut Fromm
Hedman, Attorneys-at-Law [Tallinn, Estonia]
Tel. No.: (+372) (6) 307 800
Fax No.: (+372) (6) 307 801
Contact Person: Katariina Kaukonen
Hedman, Attorneys-at-Law [St. Petersburg, Russia]
Tel. No.: (+7) (812) 274 3142
Fax No.: (+7) (812) 278 9224
Contact Person: Marina Sidorchuk
HS Treuhand GmbH [Eutin, Germany]
Tel. No.: (+49) (4521) 72138/72139
Fax No.: (+49) (4521) 9208
Contact Person: Klaus-Peter Schroder
Lionel Levine & Co. [Nassau, Bahamas]
Tel. No.: (+1) (242) 328 0978
Fax No.: (+1) (242) 323 8489
Contact Person: Lionel Levine
Low Yeap Toh & Goon [Singapore]
Tel. No.: (+65) 220 2666
Fax No.: (+65) 223 6483
Contact Person: Low Siew Joon
McNaught Wickwar [Harare, Zimbabwe]
Tel. Nos.: (+263) (4) 791 611-3
Fax No.: (+263) (4) 706 939
Contact Persons: Michael Robert McNaught/Jerome O'Brien/Peter Francis Wickwar
Quiroz & Asociados [San Jose, Costa Rica]
Tel. No.: (+506) 224 7800
Fax Nos.: (+506) 224 5946/234 7335
Contact Persons: Natan Wager/Juan Carlos Herrera
Raeder Wisloff Aasland & Co. ANS [Oslo, Norway]
Tel. No.: (+47) 22 44 68 33
Fax No.: (+47) 22 43 44 28
Contact Person: Ole Per Solum/Morten Opstad
Studio Ventura e Associati Internazionale [Milan, Rome, Italy]
Tel. No.: (+39) (2) 76004213
Fax No.: (+39) (2) 781491
Contact Person: Daniel Brigada
Valenzuela y Asociados [Santiago, Chile]
Tel. No.: (+56) (2) 236 0068/0069/0071
Fax No.: (+56) (2) 235 9959
Contact Persons: Marcelo Valenzuela Acevedo/Olga Morales Arce
Valenzuela y Asociados [Talca, Chile]
Tel. No.: (+56) (71) 226 697
Contact Person: Eladio Soza Hernandez
Weermeijer and Roelink [Hoofddorp, Netherlands]
Tel. No.: (+31) (23) 561 7477
Fax No.: (+31) (23) 563 9981
Contact Persons: Hans Weermeijer/Martjin Schuller
Woodward Toomey [Christchurch, New Zealand]
Tel. No.: (+64) (3) 365 3267
Fax No.: (+64) (3) 365 5128
Contact Person: John Woodward
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